Hello there!
I thought I could spend some time writing while I was on vacation -- well, that was what I had hoped would happen, but it didn't. Instead, I spent a good amount of my afternoons making cards (the hand made ones using vintage postcards that I enjoying making) or playing scrabble with my daughter.
Many of you commented on Facebook that this hobby doesn't appear to be "relaxing" -- for many of you, it felt like "work". So, I decided my first post-vacation-post on this blog would be to "demystify" the card making process. First of all, I have attached a picture of the images I receive from the wonderful woman I have purchased these cards from for years -- she sends me a scan of the different images, and I decide if I need that kind or type of card. I purchase them through Ebay. I then purchase the appropriate card stock and envelopes from Kelly Paper, clear photo corners from Michael's, color and black and white ink cartridges for my printer (if I need them) -- and I get started! I determine the orientation (portrait or landscape) and the theme of each card (Easter, Christmas, birthday, etc.) then pull up the card settings that I had made years ago. I count the number of cards in each category and set the card stock in the printer.
While the card stock is printing, I putter around the house or in the garden. This usually occurs in the morning. When all are printed, I have them separated into piles, I put in the movie I want to see in the DVD player, sit at the kitchen table and get busy. I assemble the cards using the photo corners and postcards, fold them, slip them into an envelope and then into the appropriate boxes that will store them for the year. When I say busy, what I want you to understand is that I so enjoy making these cards -- it relaxes me. This year, when I finished my card making, I had made over 1,000 -- some of which I donated to the Cathedral Center Bookstore to sell (to benefit the bookstore). The rest I kept to send throughout the year.
While this might not seem relaxing to you, I can tell you that every time I send one of these cards (and I send many each week), it's like greeting an old friend. I often remember the card -- and sometimes even the writing on the back, if it was written on. I find the messages so amusing -- I often wonder what happened to the people who wrote the card or who received the card. Sometimes, depending on the message, I say a prayer of thanksgiving -- or a prayer of remembrance.
Whatever hobby you may have I pray that you find the end of this vacation time to be relaxing for you. I pray that you take time to rest, reflect and pray -- however that happens for you, and whatever form your way to relax and recharge takes. For me -- give me cards and a good movie. Throw in some scrabble for fun too!
Knowing you as I do, I can't imagine that doing nothing would truly relax you. Your card-making is truly relaxing because it is something creative different from how you are creative at work. And, it is totally Diane directed. You are not responding to someone else's need. I think great joy comes from that, no matter what form it takes. And, for a bonus, the end product is a thing of beauty. I do love how you mange to multi-task, even in the relaxation mode. So Diane!
ReplyDeleteI don't know you well, but I know I love you from your blog and postings. I enjoy making cards too...being in a fraud detective field when my core is really artsy and creative, it keeps me in tune with my real self. I also learned some people preferred when I forgot to sign them so they could pass them on!!