Thursday, May 3, 2012

Leaving with two bangs

Well, the entire trip it never rained on us! That was a blessing. But you have to read the rest of this blog to figure out why this entry is entitled "leaving with a bang."

Here is a parting shot with Bishop Lai at the Chapel in the diocesan headquarters:

and with Mrs. Lai at lunch:

The first bang: We left Diocesan headquarters and headed to the airport. A member of Bishop Lai's staff was driving Bishop Lai's car when we were rear ended on the freeway. We made sure the driver was okay. You see, a car had cut into the lane in front of us causing our driver to slam on his brakes. While we barely touched the car in front of us, one car hit us from behind, and then another car hit that car and we were hit again. The airbags didn't deploy.

Joshua Ng got out of the car as we were late getting to the airport and flagged down a cab (in the middle of the free), who had to park in front of the car that had caused this problem. Joshua rushed to get the bags transferred, having me sit in the car to make sure the driver didn't take off. The driver kept saying we had too many bags (we knew that), but we got them all into the cab. We said goodbye to Bishop's staff member and we raced to the airport. We got all the bags out (so we thought), and the cab driver drove off. Joshua realized his backpack with his passport was in the backseat of the cab and took off running after the cab. He caught up to it, banged on
the trunk and the driver stopped. That was the second bang. Ada says God doesn't want us to leave.

We are now waiting at the gate, a bit sore but grateful that no one was hurt more than just being sore in any of the cars. We are also grateful for this time in Asia, and for being on our way home.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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