Friday, September 2, 2011

Mail from Camp Stevens

Before starting my vacation, I was "Bishop in Residence" at Camp Stevens. You may have seen my blog post on "snickerdoodles" from Camp.

I love being with the staff and campers, and helping out any way I can. One particular group this summer -- the Super-Sleuth-Swine really tugged at my heart strings. They were detectives solving a mystery -- surrounding a character with the initials BBW -- and their activities were all centered on getting clues to solve the mystery. My favorite "clue" that they found was on a laminated piece of paper wrapped around a brick at the bottom of the pool!

Every time I ran into the group or members of the group I'd ask them if they had any new "leads" or "clues" -- they were all so excited to share with me what they were doing and what they had learned. I had to leave camp early and couldn't find out how their "mystery" was solved. Then, I received a letter from them all to let me know what had happened! The text of the letter (pictured) is as follows:

Dear Diane,
Hey. How are you doing? We, the super-sleuth-swine have solved the case. We found BBW (Big Bad Wolf) decorating (what seemed like destroying) our meeting spot, and we realized that he is actually misunderstood. The BBW was actually MUW! (Mis Understood Wolf). We came across him TP-ing our meeting spot, which was meant to make it look nice. Anyway, thanks for helping us make fantabulous journals, for listening to our stories, and we think back about the awesome time we ad with you. Your friends, the Super-Sleuth-Swine.
PS -- Oink!
The Super-Sleuth-Swine are: Alex, LexyJo, Justice, Nikky (Chloe), Sophie, John, Meredith, Nigel, Nathan, Evan and Monkey (Maria).

If you haven't been to Camp Stevens lately -- please plan on bringing a group from your church up there. If you have children or grandchildren "camp age" -- plan now to send them next summer. Don't know about the camp? Here some important links:

Just Action Video on gardening at the camp:

Just Action Video on the Camping Program:

I wonder when I wander over to camp what I'll find next -- maybe the BBW!

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