Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First Full Day of WACCF

We started the day with Morning Prayer, with our North American Chinese Clergy representatives leading the service.

Afterwards we headed down to breakfast where I sat with the hosting bIshop of this Fellowship, Bishop Ng Moon Hing and his wife Ding Siew Lan of Kuala Lumpur. The Bishop and I spoke about the purpose of my trip here which he greatly appreciated. He is very kind and welcoming to me.

After breakfast we came together to listen to our speaker of the day. The speaker talked about the theology of prayer (in Mandarin). It was an interesting talk.

We next went down to take a group picture in front of the hotel to take a picture of all of us together. Afterwards we had a breakout session with a talk about the situation between Christians and Muslims in Asia. The speaker advocated for working together with our Muslim brothers and sisters in our communities to address social needs and concerns.

We then had lunch and then headed to the buses. We headed over to St. Stephen's school and church. This is a Chinese Speaking Church and school. The headmistress took us to the new auditorium. The school started in the early 1900s in the living room of the Rector's home. Today they have slightly over 2,000 students from pre-school through high school.

Next we were escorted to where St. Stephen's parishioners are currently holding services while their sanctuary is being renovated.

We also went up to the smaller auditorium that the church uses for Christian concerts. The people of St. Stephens prepared traditional Filipino snacks for us, and we had a fit of a short break.

Back on the bus and over to St. Andrew's seminary (I blogged about the seminary being in the same compound as the National Office, etc. the other day, but we didn't have the opportunity to enter it.) We saw some students working together studying liturgy and church music for their canonical exams. There are 44 students currently enrolled in the seminary.

A tour of the Seminary Chapel revealed a beautiful sanctuary with a boat of St. Andrew hanging from the ceiling.

Lastly, we went to St. Luke's medical center in Global City. It is like Hoag hospital on steroids. Amazing array of services and accommodations for patients and their families. I was very impressed! Here's a picture of Ada Wong Nagata and Fran Toy with the young man from customer service who led us on the tour. I'll post more pictures on my mobile upload on Facebook, including views from the hospital as well as the Presidential Suite.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Manila, Philippines

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